Hampton Court Palace
17 - 19 May 2024

Natural Grace Scents

Stand No:

Jo, the creator of this website, began her journey into candle-making in 2009 as a way to utilize her spare time while her boyfriend (now husband) worked on weekends. Initially considering making underwear, she soon realized her true passion was for crafting candles, having been an avid candle lover. She dedicated a year to researching and perfecting her candle-making skills, seeking feedback from friends and family. Jo's first foray into selling her candles at craft markets in places like Berkhamsted Town Hall received a positive response, prompting her to continue and improve her business over time.

While pursuing a job in London and starting a family, Jo's passion for candles never waned. In 2016, she decided to invest more time and effort into her candle business, and it has been growing ever since. Jo's commitment is to create beautiful, affordable candles using local and UK suppliers, with a strong focus on environmental friendliness and high-quality performance. Her dedication to quality and her ability to balance her business with family life have made it a small but thriving endeavor. She looks forward to expanding her small-batch candle-making business and invites others to join her on this exciting journey.

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